
Before you can begin business with the United States government and many American corporations and institutions, your business must obtain the proper certifications. Small business certifications are like professional certifications; they document a special capability or status that will help you compete in the marketplace. Unlike permits and licenses, you do not need to obtain certifications to legally operate. However, in order to take advantage of business opportunities, such as government and/or many corporate and institutional contracts you may need to obtain some certifications.

In the past twenty (20) years, we have been collaborating closely and partnering with many federal, state and local government agencies, along with numerous national corporations, institutions and organizations, thus having our National Business Certification is critical and extremely advantageous to you and to your business, and it will surely set you and your business miles ahead from other competing business. We are an official NGO of the United States government thus having our certification will also add needed credibility and recognition to you and to your business.

Each year, the federal, state and local governments offer businesses opportunities to sell billions of dollars worth of products and services. Many federal and state government agencies require that some percentage of the procurements be set aside for small businesses and others. Certifying your business with us can definitely help you successfully compete for government and/or corporate contracts and to make your business much more attractive to investors, corporations and more.

Our National Business Certification can significantly help your business gain access to government and/or corporate contracts. Whether you are just starting a business or your company is already established, you can drastically benefit from these "set aside" contracts.

The AANC has the following National Business Certification. These are annual certifications, thus they require to be renewed and recertified annually. All business certification fees are tiered based on your businesses' gross annual sales or income.

1) Small Business Certification;

2) Non-Profit Certification;

3) Minority-Owned Business Certification;

4) Veteran-Owned Business Certification;

5) Corporate Business Certification;

6) Institutional Business Certification;

7) Diversity & Leadership Certification;

8) International Business Partners.

Enable to be certified, we have various criteria for business certification and fees, documentation required, an application process and procedures, and our final decision. Please contact us for your intinial Certification Application or your Recertification Application. Thank you.
